Nannen Arboretum Society, Inc

                                                             Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

                                                            July 10, 2023 Ellicottville Town Center

Members Attending:  Sue Blesy, Pat Kerl, Nan Miller, Gretchen Plough, Diane Smith, Steve Ward and MJ Brown.

  1. Approved Agenda
  2. Call to order and welcome everyone starting at 10:45.
  3. Minutes: The trustees considered the minutes of the June 12, 2023 meeting. Several corrections later Sue moved and Gretchen seconded the motion to accept the minutes. The motion was approved and carried by a unanimous vote.
  4. Correspondence: Pat was contacted by Kirk Windus Executive Director, Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation who deals with agency endowments and wants us to consider investing with them in protecting our endowment. We already are investing with Morgan Stanley and can achieve the same thing by just changing our by-laws to generate $6,000.00 each year to help run the Arboretum instead of investing somewhere else. The issue with Kirk was tabled.
  5. Treasury: Pat Kerl reported a total income of $743.00 for the 6//23 – 6/30/23 quarter.  Expenses were $1254.56.  Diane moved and Gretchen seconded the report.  The motion was approved and carried by a unanimous vote.
  6. Reports from committees/projects:
    1. Herb Garden:
      1. Ed installed the Bible Verse on a stake next to the big stone wheel in the garden.
      2. Nan spoke with police regarding the vandalism in the herb garden. They will make everyone aware and will check on things.
    2. Update of Volunteers: No report
    3. Update on Pruning Plan:
      1. Ray and Blair are pruning the crabapple trees.
    4. Update on Grounds Maintenance Plan:
      1. Our tree watering plan in place seems to be working.
      2. Steve will follow up with John Kinder and Matt about our mowing contract.
      3. Steve is still working on getting tractor to arboretum to move wood chips to the Northrup.
      4. The bridge has been scraped but nothing else has been done.
    5. Membership Committee: No Report
    6. Education and Interpretive Signage:
      1. The Trail is coming right where the Hugel Kultur and snag trees are so we aren’t putting up signs and are looking for a new place for it.
      2. Pat will be giving a presentation called “Demystifying Hydrangeas” on August 16, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Center open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
    7. Memorial Brochure: No report
    8. Master Gardner Report: No report
  7. Unfinished Business: No report
  8. New Business: No Report
  9. Adjournment::
    1. A motion was made by Sue and seconded by MJ to adjourn meeting.  It was approved unanimously.
  1. Next meeting will be August 14, 2023 at 10:30.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Smith secretary.