Nannen Arboretum Society, Inc.

                                                          Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

                                                        August 14, 2023 Ellicottville Town Center

Members attending:  Sue Blesy, Pat Kerl, Nan Miller, Gretchen Plough, Diane Smith, Steve Ward, and MJ Brown.

  1. Approved agenda.
  2. Call meeting to order and welcome everyone.
  3. Minutes: The trustees considered the minutes of the July 10, 2023 meeting. Gretchen moved and Sue seconded the motion to accept the minutes.  The motion was approved and carried by a unanimous vote.
  4. Correspondence: No report.
  5. Treasury: Pat reported a total income of $5706.00 for the 7/1/23-7/3123 quarter.  Expenses totaled $969.00.  MJ moved and Diane seconded the motion to accept the report.  The motion was approved and carried by a unanimous vote.
  6. Reports from committee/ projects
    1. Herb Garden: All looks good.
    2. Update of Volunteers:
      1. We plan to have a luncheon on October 10th for everyone at the Arboretum. Going to check on having Villaggio cater event.
      2. Nan wants to have an ice cream social in September in her gardens.
    3. Update of Tree and Pruning Maintenance:
      1. Going to trim Kentucky Coffee tree suckers keeping a strong, healthy branch and trimming off the rest.
      2. Bradley Tree Service will come in the fall to do other trees in October.
      3. We need to address the condition of our American Chestnut tree.
      4. We are to leave the suckers on the new Curly Willow tree.
      5. We are going to put fencing around new dogwood collection. There has been some vandalism.
      6. Important web site to read- about our Bottlebrush Buckeye tree. We will discuss later.
    4. Update on Grounds Maintenance:
      1. Julie Tretts is supposed to start mulching trees.
      2. Touch base with Scott about shed progress, and Northrup stage railings stairs, and steps.
      3. Nan talked with soil and conservation department about caring for the pond
    5. Membership Committee: No Report
    6. Education and Interpretive signage:
      1. Pat’s Hydrangea class reminder on August 16th at 7:00. She is bringing 4 plants for examples from Henry’s Garden Center.
      2. Steve has suggested getting Ellicottville students involved in choosing what kind of tree to plant for next Arbor Day.
      3. Nan will make plans for a fall class
    7. Unfinished Business: No report
    8. New Business:
      1. Pat and Nan reported about meeting with Matt McAndrew about creating a new MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
      2. We decided on a “Dwarf Conifer” collection to plant with money from GivingTuesday.
    9. Adjournment: Motion was made by Sue to adjourn meeting, Diane seconded it and it was approved unanimously.
    10. Next meeting is September 11, 2023 at 10:30


Respectfully submitted, Diane Smith secretary